Your Home, Your Comfort, Our Support

Empowering you and your community with reliable energy and support.

How can we help?
Download Guide

Download the Glass App & Portal

Make payments on the go and keep track of your energy usage with Glass, by simply searching 'Vital Glass' in your app store.

Discover how to get started with our video.

Find your activation code

Your Home & Community

Learn more about how your home is heated and access information specific to your community.

Find out more

Make a payment

Find out how easy it is to pay a bill or top up your account.

Pay my bill
Top up my meter

Our customer promise

At Vital Community Energi, we are committed to providing you with affordable, sustainable, and reliable energy solutions. We believe in building lasting relationships based on transparency, community focus, and innovation.

A high quality of service as standard

Accurate billing and prepayment services

Help if you need extra support

Transparent and timely solutions to any issues

Support from other industry-recognised organisations