You could be eligible for this support if you have reached your state pension age, are disabled or have a long term medical condition, are recovering from an injury, have a hearing or sight condition, have a mental health condition, are pregnant, have children under 5 or have extra communication needs.

If you believe you may be eligible and would like to sign up to the Priority Service Register, please get in touch.

Once we have logged your details you (or your representative) will be sent some forms to complete and return. Once the forms are returned, our database will then be updated and the documents will be stored in a secure location. We will keep your details secure in accordance with the GDPR regulations.

By registering with the Priority Services Register, you can receive the following services:

Knock and Wait – A 'knock and wait' service, which gives you more time to answer the door, and a password scheme, so you, or the person representing you, can identify who is at the door. This service is only applicable upon customer disclosure. We do highlight any vulnerable customers and highlight instructions for the engineer when completing the visit.

Accompanied Visits– These are visits where we send 2 engineers.

Bill Nominee Scheme– you can nominate someone to receive your communications and bills

No Cut Off Policy – the ones where cutting off would be life threatening, we closely monitor these customers to ensure they are not without services.