I'm a credit billing customer

I've not received my bill

If you have not yet received your bill and you are in a Glass-enabled property, you can monitor your energy usage, spend and pay for your bill using the Glass App & Portal. Visit our Glass App & Portal page for details.

Otherwise, if you are a credit billing customer and pay for your heating by receiving a regular bill, you will be billed in arrears on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on your site.

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Community Energi Limited.

If you are unsure, please get in touch with the team by clicking here

When will I receive my bill?

If you are a credit billing customer and pay for your heating by receiving a regular bill, you will be billed in arrears on a monthly or quarterly basis depending on your site.

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Community Energi Limited.

If you are unsure, please get in touch with the team by clicking here

Can I please get a copy of my bill?

If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can download your bill directly from the Glass App & Portal. Click here for details of how to get started with Glass.

Alternatively, please email the Vital Community Energi team at billing@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk to request a copy of your bill.

How do I cancel my Direct Debit?

If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can cancel your Direct Debit in the Glass App & Portal. Please visit the Glass App & Portal page for details.

Alternatively, you can email our team on directdebit@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk


How to I change or amend my Direct Debit?

If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can change or amend your Direct Debit in the Glass App & Portal. Please visit the Glass App & Portal page for details.

Alternatively, you can email our team on directdebit@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk with details of the changes you require.

I'm struggling to pay

If you are struggling to pay for your heating and hot water please contact us so our team can discuss the options available to you.

Talk to us. 

Alternatively, you may want to seek support from support organisations which we work closely with. Click here for details.

How do I set up a Direct Debit?

If you are a credit billing customer and would like to pay your monthly or quarterly bill by regular payments, please contact us at directdebit@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk and we will send you a form to complete.

If you are in a Glass-enabled property, you can arrange to pay by Direct Debit through the Glass App & Portal, click here for more details. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at directdebit@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Community Energi Limited.

Am I spending too much on my heating?

If you think you are spending too much on your heating, please carry out the following checks before contacting your Landlord.

  • Is the timer set on your heating programmer?
  • Is the temperature level set to come on automatically once the temperature drops below a certain temperature within the property?
  • Check the temperature isn’t set to high on your programmer.
  • We advise your room stat to be set to approximately 18 – 20 degrees in temperature.

Controlling my heating and hot water (regular billing)

  • Can I turn the heating on and off when I want to?
    Yes. There is no difference in operation to a conventional boiler system.
  • Can I control the temperature the same way as a conventional boiler system?
    Yes. There is no difference in the way you control your system i.e. with a programmer, thermostats and/or radiator valves.

Why is my bill so high?

Please carry out the following checks on your heating system before contacting your Housing Association/Services provider.

  • Is the timer set on your heating programmer?
  • Is the temperature level set to come on automatically once the temperature drops below a certain temperature within the property?
  • Temperature isn't set to high on your programmer.
  • Check the in-home display for the spend/consumption data.
  • Do you have a recent tariff change?
  • We advise your room stat is set to approximately 18 – 20 degrees in temperature.

Following carrying out these checks, please contact your housing association, landlord or managing agent. If you own the property, please contact us.

How do you charge me for the heat and hot water I use and what will be included in my bill?

Within your home is a Heat Interface Unit (HIU) and a heat meter to measure the amount of heat and hot water that you consume.

This meter is read remotely at least once a month. This information is transmitted to us via remote monitoring to avoid the necessity to access your property. These readings are then used to calculate your bill, ensuring you only pay for what you consume and eliminates the task of sending us your monthly readings.

Please refer to the tariffs document in your Welcome Pack for information on how your tariff is calculated. You can review your previous daily, weekly, monthly and annual usage through the Glass app.

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Community Energi Limited.

How do I pay my bill?

You can pay your bill in a variety of ways:

  • Glass
    If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can pay your bill using Glass visit Glass App & Portal page for details
  • PayPoint
    You can make a payment at any PayPoint outlet and make a payment by cash. Please note: There may be a charge for using your debit/credit card. To register on PayPoint simply visit: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy Your nearest PayPoint outlets can be found on the PayPoint website https://www.paypoint.com/en-gb. All stores should display the PayPoint logo.
  • Online
    You can logon to: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy to make single payments by credit or debit card.
  • Telephone
    Call 0808 156 0016 to make a payment via credit or debit card.
  • Direct Debit
    You can set up a Direct Debit to pay a fixed regular amount. To do this you will need to request a Direct Debit mandate, this must be completed and returned either by post or by email to directdebit@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk If you pay by direct debit it can take up to 5 days for the money to be applied to your meter after it has left your bank account.

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Community Energi Limited.

If you pay by topping up a meter, please click here.

Can I change energy supplier?

No. As the heat for your property is generated from a central source, you cannot switch suppliers.

However, we work with various support organisations to ensure you are protected and treated fairly.

Learn more about these organisations and charities here.

    Get in touch

    You can call our Customer Service team, Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm
    on 0808 156 0016, email us support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk or complete the form below:

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