I am a prepayment customer

I'm struggling to pay

If you are struggling to pay for your heating and hot water please contact us so our team can discuss the options available to you.

Talk to us. 

Alternatively, you may want to seek support from support organisations which we work closely with. Click here for details.

What happens if I lose my receipt before the credit has been credited to my meter?

No need to panic, each successful top-up you make is registered on our system to your meter, we can re-issue the vend code when you call our Customer Services team.

Do I need to keep my top-up receipt?

Yes. If there is an error with your payment or the credit does fails to reach your meter, you will need your receipt to either enter the vend code into your meter to activate your top-up or to go back to the PayPoint outlet where you purchased the credit.

When I type in my vend code, I get an error message?

After you have inputted your vend code manually, you will see one of the following messages:

    • Accepted - This means you credit has been added successfully.
    • Duplicate Token - The credit will already have been added to your meter.
    • Incorrect Token - You will have input the vend code incorrectly, please check the code and re-enter.
      If you continue to have issues with entering your vend code, please contact us at support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk or on 0808 156 0016

How do I enter my vend code?

Simply type your vend code into your in-home display using the keypad. If you have a vPro2 in-home display, press the blue ‘a’ button on your Liberty Connect 100 (vPro meter), type in the vend code and press the red ‘b’ button.

What is a vend code?

A vend code is normally a 16-digit number which is created after you have made a payment at your PayPoint location. If there has been a change in the system e.g. a tariff change, your vend code may be up to 60 digits. You will need to enter the vend code into your in-home display.

My vPro2 meter has not updated my credit automatically, what do I do?

If your credit has not been added automatically to your vPro meter, then you can manually type in your vend code through your vPro in-home display.

    • If you have an account number beginning with ‘200’ you have a vPro1.
      On your in-home display select ‘Menu’, then ‘Vend Codes’, enter your ‘Vend Code’ and select the ‘Utility’ you require.
    • If you have an account number beginning with ‘211’ you have a vPro2.
    • On your in-home display select ‘Menu’, ‘Account’ and then ‘Utility’

My Guru meter has not updated my credit automatically, what do I do?

If your credit has not been added automatically to your Guru Hub, then you can manually type in your vend code through your Guru Hub: - Main Heat Account – Enter Code.

How long will my top up take to reach my meter?

Top-ups usually arrive within 20 minutes. This may vary depending on the mobile signal around your property and the payment method you have used. If you have paid by Direct Debit, it can take up to 5 days for the money to be applied to your meter after it has left you bank account.

How much can I top up?

You can top up in full £5 increments.

How do I top up my meter?

There are multiple ways to top up:

    • Glass - If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can top up your meter using Glass visit Glass App & Portal page for details
    • Paypoint - You can take your vPro Card to any PayPoint outlet and make a payment by cash. Please note: There may be a charge for using your debit/credit card. To register on PayPoint simply visit: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy
      Your nearest PayPoint outlets can be found on the PayPoint website https://www.paypoint.com/en-gb. All stores should display the PayPoint logo.
    • Online - You can logon to: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy to make single payments by credit or debit card.
    • Telephone - Call our automated top up line on 0808 156 0016 and make a payment via credit or debit card.
    • Direct Debit- You can set up a Direct Debit to pay a fixed amount of credit onto your vPro meter each month. To do this you will need to request a Direct Debit mandate, this must be completed and returned either by post or by email to support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk If you pay by direct debit it can take up to 5 days for the money to be applied to you meter after it has left your bank account.

Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Energi Utilities Limited.

If you normally pay by regular bill, please click here.

I’ve had a new meter installed

If you have had a new meter installed, please allow between 5 to 10 working days for your new meter to be updated.

Once updated your new meter should appear in your Glass account.

Your old information will still be visible and marked as “Previous Meter”.

The balance on my meter is out of date

Due to the way some meters provide readings, we experience a one-day delay on balance and reading updates. If you have a delay of more than one-day, this could be a communications issue with your meter. Move any metal or electronic items away from your meter, if the issue persists please get in touch at support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk or on 0808 156 0016

Can I check my environmental impact on my vPro in-home display?

By tapping ‘CO2’ then ‘Utility’ on the Menu screen of your in-home display, you can see information about your carbon emissions. This will give you a range of data including your monthly and yearly CO2 emissions.

My vPro in-home display is showing the error code 254/255 Zigbee network, what should I do?

You will have to report the issue to your repair / maintenance number detailed within your ‘customer supply agreement’.

My vPro in-home display is should an error message reading ‘lost hub’ or ‘lost heat meter, what do I do?

  • Acknowledge the error message by pressing on the IHD where the message is, which will bring up a message and select ok. Please move your in-home display closer to the meter which is located within your property (It is probably located in the utility cupboard).
  • Has the meter switch in the cupboard been switched off at the wall?
    If no, you can try and switch this switch off and back on again after 2 minutes.
  • If this any of these errors persists, you may be required to report the issue to your repair/maintenance number which is detailed within your ‘customer supply agreement’.

My vPro in-home display is not working

The solution here depends on the system you have:

  • If you have an account number beginning with ‘200’ you have a vPro1
    1. Remove your IHD from the Charging Cradle,
    2. On the back of the Display and above the bar code, there will be pin sized hole which will fit a paperclip or pin into, press and hold the pin/paperclip in the hole for approximately 5 seconds
  • If you have an account number beginning with ‘211’ you have a vPro2   
    1. Remove all power supplies to your in-home display including batteries.
    2. Leave the in-home display powered off for a minute then reconnect power to the IHD

If the reset does not resolve the issue, you will have to report this to your repair / maintenance number which is detailed within your ‘customer supply agreement’.

I think I have a fault with my heating system

  • What if I have no heat and hot water but do have credit on my meter?
    Please report the issue to your housing association or property management agent.
  • I think I am spending too much, what do I do?
    Please carry out the following checks on your heating system before contacting your Housing Association/Services provider.

    1. Is the timer set on your heating programmer?
    2. Is the temperature level set to come on automatically once the temperature drops below a certain temperature within the property
    3. Temperature isn't set too high on your programmer.
    4. Check the in-home display for the spend/consumption data.
    5.  Do you have a recent tariff change?
    6. We advise your room stat is set to approximately 18 – 20 degrees in temperature.Following carrying out these checks, please contact your housing association, landlord or managing agent. If you own the property, please contact us.

I have run out of credit

  • What happens if I run out of credit?
    You will be able to access your emergency credit (if available) or you will have to top up the relevant meter account.
  • I have run out of credit and my top up is showing on my vPro in-home display but the has still not resumed?
    1. If you have an account number beginning with ‘200’ you have a vPro1. - You will be required to reset the Electricity meter by pressing and holding down the zero button on your electricity meter for approx. 3 /4 seconds.
    2. If you have an account number beginning with ‘211’ you have a vPro2 - Using your in-home display, you will see a message asking you to restore your supply. If your in-home display is not working you can reconnect your supply via the Liberty Connect 100 meter - Press ‘A’ (blue) followed by ‘A’ again then press ‘B’ (red).
      This will reinstate your electricity supply.
    3. If you are struggling to pay for your heating, please contact us.

Prepayment cards

  • What happens if I lose my pre-payment card(s) or they are stolen?
    Don’t worry, each card is unique to your meter, so there is no risk of losing any credit.
    Contact the Customer service team, who can arrange for a replacement card to be issued. Charges for replacement cards will apply
  • I get both heating and electricity from Vital Community Energi, will the same prepayment card work for both my heat and electricity meter?
    No, each card is unique to its own meter in order to make them secure, so top-ups cannot be made on one card and transferred to another.

Topping up my meter

  • How do I top up my meter?
    There are multiple ways to top up:

    1. Glass - If you are in a Glass-enabled property you can top up your meter using Glass visit Glass App & Portal page for details
    2. Paypoint - You can take your vPro Card to any PayPoint outlet and make a payment by cash. Please note: There may be a charge for using your debit/credit card. To register on PayPoint simply visit: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy
      Your nearest PayPoint outlets can be found on the PayPoint website https://www.paypoint.com/en-gb. All stores should display the PayPoint logo.
    3. Online - You can logon to: https://vitalenergipayments.paypoint.com/energy to make single payments by credit or debit card.
    4. Telephone - Call our automated top up line on 0808 156 0016 and make a payment via credit or debit card.
    5. Direct Debit- You can set up a Direct Debit to pay a fixed amount of credit onto your vPro meter each month. To do this you will need to request a Direct Debit mandate, this must be completed and returned either by post or by email to support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk If you pay by direct debit it can take up to 5 days for the money to be applied to you meter after it has left your bank account. Please note that payments taken from your account will be under Vital Energi Utilities Limited.
  • How much can I top up?
    You can top up in full £5 increments.
  • How long will my top-up take to reach my meter?
    Top-ups usually arrive within 20 minutes. This may vary depending on the mobile signal around your property and the payment method you have used. If you have paid by Direct Debit, it can take up to 5 days for the money to be applied to your meter after it has left you bank account.
  • My Guru meter has not updated my credit automatically, what do I do?
    If your credit has not been added automatically to your Guru Hub, then you can manually type in your vend code through your Guru Hub: - Main Heat Account – Enter Code.
  • My vPro2 meter has not updated my credit automatically, what do I do?
    If your credit has not been added automatically to your vPro meter, then you can manually type in your vend code through your vPro in-home display.

    1. If you have an account number beginning with ‘200’ you have a vPro1.
      On your in-home display select ‘Menu’, then ‘Vend Codes’, enter your ‘Vend Code’ and select the ‘Utility’ you require.
    2. If you have an account number beginning with ‘211’ you have a vPro2.
    3. On your in-home display select ‘Menu’, ‘Account’ and then ‘Utility’
  • What is a vend code?
    A vend code is normally a 16-digit number which is created after you have made a payment at your PayPoint location. If there has been a change in the system e.g. a tariff change, your vend code may be up to 60 digits. You will need to enter the vend code into your in-home display.
  • How do I enter my vend code?
    Simply type your vend code into your in-home display using the keypad. If you have a vPro2 in-home display, press the blue ‘a’ button on your Liberty Connect 100 (vPro meter), type in the vend code and press the red ‘b’ button.
  • When I type in my vend code, I get an error message?
    After you have inputted your vend code manually, you will see one of the following messages:

    1. Accepted - This means you credit has been added successfully.
    2. Duplicate Token - The credit will already have been added to your meter.
    3. Incorrect Token - You will have input the vend code incorrectly, please check the code and re-enter.
      If you continue to have issues with entering your vend code, please contact us at support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk or on 0808 156 0016
  • Do I need to keep my top-up receipt?
    Yes. If there is an error with your payment or the credit does fails to reach your meter, you will need your receipt to either enter the vend code into your meter to activate your top-up or to go back to the PayPoint outlet where you purchased the credit.
  • What happens if I lose my receipt before the credit has been credited to my meter?
    No need to panic, each successful top-up you make is registered on our system to your meter, we can re-issue the vend code when you call our Customer Services team.
  • Will I get sent a bill to cover my usage?
    No, your system is a prepayment system and you add credit to your meter in order to use the utility provided.

Controlling my heating and hot water (prepaid meter)

  • Can I turn the heating on and off when I want to?
    Yes. There is no difference in operation to a conventional boiler system.
  • Can I control the temperature the same way as a conventional boiler system?
    Yes. There is no difference in the way you control your system i.e. with a programmer, thermostats and/or radiator valves.
  • Can I see how much heat or hot water I have consumed?
    You can view how much heat or hot water you can consumed on the Glass app, vPro in-home display or Guru Hub by:
    1. Glass Simply tap on the usage screen (graph icon in your Glass app) to see your daily, weekly or annual usage and a usage summary table.
    2. Guru Hub - Can show you information on how you have historically consumed heat by tapping on “Your Account / Usage Info”. You will be able to see your consumption data for up to the last 12 months.
    3. vPro - You can find out which tariff you are on by simply tapping the ‘Tariff’ button on your in-home display.

I’d like to know more about my heating system

  • How is my home heated?
    Your new home is served by a low carbon heating and hot water district heat network. The energy is generated in a communal plant room or energy centre. Your heating system is robust, reliable and controllable. You can control the heat level through your thermostat and heating controls in the same way as if you had an individual gas boiler in your property. Your hot water is provided on demand and you only pay for the energy you use.
  • What is a Guru Meter?
    The Guru Hub II provides you with a simple way to take control of your energy. Reliable and always on, the system provides a real-time view of consumption in your home. It avoids the need for bills by helping you to stay in control of your energy consumption and spend through the prepayment/credit system
  • What is vPro2?
    The vPro2 is a smart heat metering solution which uses an in-home display to help you understand, budget and control your heat energy consumption.
    vPro2 connects into your energy supply to provide information directly to you through your vPro2 in-home display.
    You can view your current consumption, remaining balance and an estimation of the number of days until your top up will run out (this is based on your previous consumption) on the vPro2 in-home display.
  • What is Glass?
    The Glass App & Portal is your online platform, which gives you visibility over your energy user and control over your energy spend. With Glass you can manage your account online and make quick top-ups or bill payments from the comfort of your own home. Get started with Glass by clicking here
  • What is vTherm°?
    Your home may have a Heat Interface Unit (HIU) installed. It looks very similar to a traditional combination boiler and transfers the heat from the network into your home. vTherm° is a brand of heat and cooling interface units supplied by Vital Energi, which provides your home with instantaneous heating and hot water.

Can I change energy supplier?

No. As the heat for your property is generated from a central source, you cannot switch suppliers.

However, we work with various support organisations to ensure you are protected and treated fairly.

Learn more about these organisations and charities here.

    Get in touch

    You can call our Customer Service team, Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm
    on 0808 156 0016, email us support@vitalcommunityenergi.co.uk or complete the form below:

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