Energy Saving Advice

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What is the ideal room temperature for summer and winter?

The ideal room temperature is the same all year round. You should aim for around 18 to 20°C as a guide.

In the summer months, the challenge is more about bringing the temperature down. Opening windows and doors to create air flow will help lower the moisture in the air – and with it, the temperature.


What position should I set my thermostatic radiator valves?

This is down to your preference, however the table below shows the temperature that each valve position should deliver, and the rooms that suit each setting:


Valve position Reference temperature Recommended setting for
* 5°C Frost protection
0-1 12°C Cellar, stairs
15°C Unoccupied room
2 17°C Entrance hall, corridor
2-3 18°C Main Bedroom
3 19-20°C Kitchen
3-4 20-21°C Lounge, child’s bedroom
4 22°C Bathroom
5 Max. Valve completely open


Please note: This table is just an approximate guide to heating temperatures and settings.

How to set my thermostatic radiator values?

  1. Experiment until you find the right temperature for you
  2. Once you’ve chosen your temperatures, leave the valves alone – they will do their work naturally
  3. Resist the temptation to open the valve all the way when you go into the room in the morning and find it too cold
  4. Avoid setting the valve to minimum when it’s too hot


  • Valve position * will protect your home against frost.
  • Position 3 is equal to approximately 20°C.

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